Effective Classroom Management (ECM)

This training course is designed for teachers, heads of school, trainers, school management and administrative staff in nursery and primary schools, secondary school, vocational and adult education schools.
The general aim of this course is to equip participants with necessary skills, techniques and knowledge to effectively run and manage a classroom to achieve maximum results.
This course is delivered and certificate awarded by Chelis School Consultancy and Development Centre Ltd.
- To help participants develop a deep understanding of Essential skills needed as a 21st century teacher.
- To teach participants the various Learning Styles and how to develop, plan and organize Classroom experiences that will effectively cater for the needs of these Styles.
- To equip participants with knowledge of the best practices that will help them manage a Classroom effectively.
- To expose participants to varied Classroom Set ups and Organization.
- To look at typical Classroom management case studies and difficult behaviours that occur in the Classroom with a view of providing techniques and strategies of how to solve them.
- To equip participants with knowledge and techniques of motivating their learners so much so that it reflects in their behaviours.
- To give participants opportunities to engage in Class discussions and Brainstorming sessions so as to come up with possible solutions to various Classroom management issues.
This course is a one day training course which holds from 9am to 4pm.
Registration: N10, 000
- Quiz
There are several short quizzes and fill in the blank given out during lecture sessions.
A Certificate will be awarded and issued to participants who have successful completed the course.
- Applicants are required to have the following:
- Currently practicing teachers, prospective teachers, parents and caregivers
- At least 17 years of age.