Owing to the importance of curriculum development in formal education, the curriculum has evolved into a dynamic curriculum development process as our society changes. As a result, curriculum refers to the “whole learning experiences of individuals – not only in school, but also in society” in its widest sense. Educators characterize curriculum development as a step-by-step procedure for making constructive changes to the courses available in higher education. Changes in the world influence curricula, including new techniques and profiles, and fresh perspectives on research and vocations.

Our expert Curriculum Consultants can work with your school to help you to create an Ofsted compliant curriculum that’s coherent, engaging and that benefits pupils of all ages. We will help you to develop a vision statement of intent for your curriculum that recognises your school’s unique qualities, ensuring that the intent of your curriculum is underpinned by a research and evidence base. We will work with your subject leaders to adapt their subject action plans to reflect your curriculum vision, with clear links between subjects. We can also support your staff to develop subject knowledge in areas of need, including foundation subjects.